I started blogging on February 8, 2004 at 2:32 PM. I’ve been hooked on it ever since. But then monetisation happened, social media happened, and the blogosphere changed forever. And that’s fine. What’s not fine is that people continue to ignore the fact that they don’t own their social media accounts. And if you’ve been paying attention to what has been happening over at Twitter / X since the new boss took over, you should be concerned. I know I preach a lot about why you should start your own blog or restart your old one, and it’s because of stuff like this and this. These big tech platforms don’t care about your content, your memories, or your business, but you should. Support the indieweb movement and be master of your own domain. OK, I’m done preaching, but seriously, start blogging from an account you own and syndicate it out on social media. That way, you are in control of what happens to your work and your memories.
My Mastodon post sparked a few conversations. If you want to read a well-articulated reason why you should start blogging, read Mike Sass’s (@shellsharks) blog post: Why I Blog; You Should Too
The Heart of Philosophy
I spent part of the afternoon reading Jacob Needleman’s The Heart of Philosophy. It’s meant to be his most popular book, although that is not the reason I bought it. I bought it for its promise to show that philosophy is more than an intellectual pursuit; it is, in fact, a deeply personal and transformative affair. He had me from the opening paragraph:
So far, Needleman is presenting philosophy as a way of life and as a means of awakening the inner self, both of which appeal to me. He says that the true value of philosophy lies not in the accumulation of knowledge but in the capacity for self-awareness, self-questioning, and the quest for truth and understanding. The return to the “heart” of philosophy, which is the genuine search for wisdom and understanding that goes beyond intellectual exercises.
This is perfect for helping me manifest the idea of the naked philosopher.