Friday, 17 August 2023
My friends are divided. Some of them are superfans of ChatGTP and use it for everything, especially helping them with
Hey hey, good folks!
I’m Clay. I don’t know if you believe in destiny or fate, but think about this for a moment – your life and my life, through the law of cause and effect, have been heading towards each other since birth. And now, here we are, meeting at this particular time and place. That boggles my mind!
Anyway, however you ended up here, I’m glad you did. Welcome. This site is full awesome content designed to provoke thought and encourage action toward your inner wisdom, personal power, and authenticity.
I post blogs, podcasts, videos, and microlearning courses about self-improvement, inner wisdom, philosophy, positive psychology, and mythic imagination.
I post frequently so add my RSS feed to your RSS reader or subscribe to the newsletter.
My friends are divided. Some of them are superfans of ChatGTP and use it for everything, especially helping them with
Stopping to smell the roses. Living in the moment. Being present. These familiar maxims speak to something many of us
I stumble out my front door just in time to see the sun begin to peak its head above the
So here’s the thing: life is super loud right now. There are all kinds of people shouting about what you
I’ve been meaning to do this for a while now: reboot the Wisdom Experience Podcast, which I used to host
Last week, I introduced the concept of “misliving,” a term used to describe a life lived without direction or intention.