The Blog
Considering quitting your job? You’re not alone!
An incredible 40% of workers globally are considering quitting their job this year. If you are one of them, here
Do you think you could go 3 days without telling a lie of any kind?
It’s interesting how intricate lying is to our everyday life. Of course, we tend to gloss over the lies by
Goal Setting in Perspective
I’ve heard it said before that a goal without a deadline is just a dream. Now Tiago Forte has added

The Social Clock Is Ticking? Are You On Track?
[LISTEN] The Coach’s Notes podcast is back! As before, I’ll be sharing with you things that I am curious about,

On Expectations
Transcript Gretchen Rubin is probably most famous for the Happiness Project, which is a book she wrote a while ago.
Is LQ (learnability quotient), the new cornerstone of career success?
Learnability quotient (LQ) is a term I stumbled upon this week Learnability is being cited as a key skill to

hard reset
I’ve gone and blown up my website, which is something I am often prone to do from time to time.
How to choose the right microphone?
Seamlessly strategize turnkey alignments vis-a-vis ubiquitous models. Competently disseminate out-of-the-box sources without competitive supply chains. Distinctively iterate front-end quality vectors
People are podcasting all over the world
Proactively administrate team building supply chains before virtual convergence. Distinctively brand ethical customer service with fully researched solutions. Appropriately conceptualize
Top 10 earphones for serious music lovers
Seamlessly maximize B2B growth strategies with state of the art e-services. Efficiently streamline frictionless collaboration and idea-sharing whereas next-generation potentialities.